Niche: Home cleaning accessories

Service: Email

The Brand

(REDACTED)is a product that allows simultaneous vacuuming and mopping of hard floors, making it a household game-changer that saves time and effort in cleaning. The product is designed to work with various models of Dyson vacuums. Once we learned about their unique solution for simultaneous vacuuming and mopping, we were eager to help spread the word and make sure that more people can benefit from it.

The Challenge

Previous to coming on board with our digital marketing agency, (REDACTED) had never run any sort of full Email marketing system. They would send one-off emails for new products and would never get very far with those efforts.

The Solution

When they first contacted us for help, they were having a hard time with their email marketing efforts. Their emails weren't reaching the right people, and their deliverability was poor.

They also lacked the technical expertise to properly manage their campaigns. We were able to help them improve their deliverability

We did this by: