Brand: Happy Memories Don’t Die

Niche: Streetwear Clothing

Service: Email & SMS

The Brand

Happy Memories Don’t Die is a streetwear clothing brand. Their mission to inspire and unite through unique and unifying streetwear resonated well with our agency's ideals. Right, when their mission was shared with our team on our intro call, we immediately got right to work with this exact goal in the forefront; being able to spread Happy Memories Don’t Die’s impactful message of positivity to as many people as we possibly could.

The Challenge

Previous to coming on board with our digital marketing agency, Happy Memories Don’t Die has never run any sort of full Email or SMS marketing system. They would send one-off emails for new releases and would never get very far with those efforts.

The day that we first spoke was two weeks away from their next release, which they were expecting to do very well on. That being said, we had our work cut out for us. This left the main focus to be able to prep everything we needed prior to the release and ensure that it brought in the best results possible.

Happy Memories Don’t Die has had a consistent goal of hitting 6 figures on a release since the day that the brand was started, so we knew right away what the client wanted. Now it was just a question of how.

The Solution

Although we only had two weeks to prep for the release with a brand new client and a slightly lofty goal in place… we didn’t flinch. We have proven our system day in and day out, and we were confident that if we simply stuck to our release plan we would knock it out of the park for them.